We will find your books appreciative new homes, and 100% of the funds raised will go to the San Diego Public Library. Your donation is tax-deductible and provides critical support to Library programs and collections.
Donate your books and media to the Friends!
Donated books are resold to the public at our Bookstore and online. We will find your books appreciative new homes, and 100% of the funds raised will go to the San Diego Public Library. Your donation is tax-deductible and provides critical support to Library programs and collections.
Bring donations to the Central Library. Bookstore volunteers can offer carts and assistance in unloading. We will provide a receipt for your donation. We accept: gently used hardback and paperback books (clean and unmarked (a name or bookplate is ok), audiobooks on CD, DVDs,vinyl videogames, comics and graphic novels, CDs, LPs, sheet music, textbooks less than 5 years old, technical and professional books, and recent, general interest magazines
We accept textbooks and computer manuals if they are less than five years old. We are happy to receive collectible titles and specialty collections; our experts can assess these for sale them through our online outlets
We do not accept: VHS, cassette tapes, damaged or moldy books, textbooks > 6 years old, high school textbooks, most encyclopedias.
For large donations (over ten boxes) or special collections, please call the Bookstore at 619-238-6655 or email sdfocl@gmail.com